
Are You a People-First Leader?

In a world where the lines between personal and professional are getting blurry, it’s more relevant than ever to learn to be a ‘people-first leader.’  This 10-question assessment can help you reflect on your leadership style. Are you fostering an environment where employees feel valued, heard, and motivated? Or is there room for growth towards a more people-centric approach? Vitulli’s life lessons and leadership strategies are the foundation for these questions, encouraging you to dive deep into your practices and their impacts. This assessment offers a moment to pause and evaluate how closely your leadership aligns with empathy, curiosity, and genuine care for your team’s well-being. Remember, the journey toward becoming an unbeatable CEO is ongoing, and it starts with a simple yet profound question: Are you a people-first leader?

Step 1 of 11

Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree

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