Work on Your Business with CEOs, Executives, and Owners Like You.
Clark Vitulli coaches four Vistage Advisory Board groups: two CEO exclusive groups, one KEY Executive Group for C-Suites and VPs and an Emerging Leader Program for up-and-coming leaders in Nashville on behalf of Vistage International, the world’s largest network of CEOs. The Vistage model is a trusted, proven leadership experience that delivers results, both personally and professionally and gives you access to a vistage executive coach.
Vistage Gets Results.
Our members triple their company’s growth rates while reducing stress and working fewer hours.
Members 7.1 increase in revenue U.S. average 2.1 increase in revenue
*According to compounded annual growth rate of the average D&B U.S. company from 2009 to 2013
Connect with Peers
Attend monthly confidential meetings with a small vistage group (12-20) of non-competitive, like-minded local business executives to solve problems, evaluate opportunities, and work on your businesses together.
Speak Freely
Vistage groups provide a safe setting for discussing the undiscussable. We go beyond industry-specific topics and idle networking chatter to discuss topics that our members can’t discuss anywhere else.
Get Expert Insights
Clark’s Vistage groups engage expert speakers and thought leaders to conduct several interactive workshops throughout the year. Member takeaways add significantly to their value proposition and ROI.
Expand Your Network
As a Vistage member, you’ll have access to 23,000 executives worldwide so you can get as much unbiased feedback as possible on your business challenges.
Get Personalized Attention
As your Vistage Chair, Clark Vitulli will also meet with you one-on-one for accountability and guidance to help you meet your individual goals. A vistage executive coach is invaluable when it comes to meeting and exceeding your business goals.
The ideal Vistage Member is an experienced top executive who recognizes that they don’t have all the answers, and who actively seeks the company of successful peers—both to give and receive insights and ideas.
Clark Vitulli, CEO of Music City Chief Executives
- Senior executive in public and private multi-billion dollar international companies and start-ups alike.
- Associated with VISTAGE since 2001
- VISTAGE Private Advisory Board Chairman since 2013
- VISTAGE Chair Excellence Award Winner
- Vistage Member - Clark credits vistage for his success in buying and selling highly profitable businesses throughout his career.
Vistage does what traditional executive leadership trainings can’t.
In a Music City Chief Executives Vistage group, every conversation is confidential and no topic is off-limits. If you are willing to talk candidly about the tough decisions you face, fellow Members will rally around you, listen, ask tough questions, and share resources to help you grow as a leader and improve your business. We call it being “carefrontational.” Learn to see outside of your company walls and create the big-picture solutions that get results.
Ready to tackle your toughest business challenges together?
Grow (and retain) tomorrow’s great leaders.
Vistage Emerging Leader Program
Nurture and retain top talent in Nashville’s first-ever Vistage Group for up-and-coming leaders. Led by Clark Vitulli, this limited-seat, nomination-based peer group will help the next class of business leaders develop the skills, perspective, and entrepreneurial fire to fuel growth and success.
Good Morning Clark!
My phone was blowing up last night from receiving text messages from the team singing YOUR praises, how much they valued their time with you and that they are looking forward to future sessions! All I can say is THANK YOU! This extraordinary team of young women are SO WORTH investing in, and what they will learn from you and Vistage now and in the future will provide them a solid business foundation that will stay with them all of their lives. Thank you for starting this new EL group, it will enhance lives and that matters!!!!! Blessings to you my friend!